Consortium for Street Children

Consortium for Street Children

About us

Children turn to the street for survival for many different reasons, including poverty, abuse, and conflict. Being on the streets exposes them to a multitude of risks, and often means that they cannot access the rights that they are entitled to, the same as every other child. Too many of these children do not have trusted adults in their lives. They are immensely resilient, skilled, and resourceful – but they need support to access their rights. 

The Consortium for Street Children exists to raise the voices of street children at national, regional, and international levels, working to ensure that States meet their legal obligations to street-connected children and advocating for meaningful changes in policy and practice from the ‘top down’. From the ‘street up’, the organisation uses a specialist form of youth work with street-connected children, called ‘street work’, which increases their safety, strengthens their sense of belonging in their communities, and helps them access vital services like food, shelter, and education.

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